July 4, 2011 (originally January 13, 2006) by William Donnelly

10,000 Colors of Pi

10,000 Digits of The Mathemagical Constant Pi

represented via the color coded value marking of the Resistor electronic component:

    (That is, each digit in the sequence (0-9) is represented by one of ten colors —
      See below for more information — meanwhile, look at all the pretty colors... and patterns...
      Note: Please use this link when referring to this site: http://www.donnelly-house.net/funcrec/picolors/)


(sometimes written pi) is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter; this is the same value as the ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. is approximately equal to 3.14159.
For more information about see the Wikipedia entry, perform a web search, and/or see the links below.

Of course, any representation of is merely an approximation, since is an irrational number (yet very reasonable in its own way) and a transcendental number. (no, this does not mean it meditates, or is, necessarily, spiritual in nature, although I like to think so) is infinite in length and has no end in sight. Which is pretty long and big.


• Pi Day
Pi Day is an annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant . Pi Day is observed on March 14, since 3, 1, and 4 are the three most significant digits of in the decimal form.


• Links to interesting web pages about Pi (and Phi – see below):
Pi Day
Are the Digits of Pi Random?
100 billion step walk on the digits of pi by Francisco Javier Aragón Artacho
Pi, Phi and Fibonacci Numbers
Phi, Pi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt at Giza
Golden Ratio at Wolfram MathWorld


• Other interesting mathematical constants:
phi () = 1.618... (The Golden Ratio; aka divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section)
    NOTE: Phi approximates 5/6-1
      and Pi approximates 6/5 * Phi^2
e = 2.71828... (the base of natural logarithms)
The square root of 2 = 1.414...


• As a short (-ish) aside, although related:
   Calculus is the closest I've ever come to Death.
I'm kind of a "math person", and I am a "computer person", which has some similarities (although I can't do Math in my head, either), so it may not sound right in that sense, but there is just something about Calculus that does not compute. I took it three times in college, and dropped out of each class before the end. It really helps to have a good teacher, and my three instructors definitely left something to be desired, to say the least, which was at least part of the problem. I kind of knew the Calc 3 instructor, and I think if he had been my Calculus teacher, I would have done much better. But he didn't teach the lower levels. Another part of the problem was that it seemed to be all theory and no practical application. And I don't do well with that at times. So there you go.

Anyway, the one thing that I came away from my short foray into and attempts at Calculus was "derivatives". Derivatives are kind of cool. And beyond that, there is this:

The function to calculate the circumference of a circle is the derivative of the function to calculate the area of a circle.

That is, if >>    (area = pi–r–squared   :   r = radius)
   f(x) = * r ^ 2     ( r² )
then >>    (circumference = two–pi–r, or pi–times–D   :   D = diameter)
   f'(x) = 2 * * r   =   * D     ( 2r   &   D )
because (the Derivative function is) >>
(remember: anything to the power of one is itself (and anything to the power of zero is one))
Similarly, the derivative of the function to calculate the volume of a sphere,
V = 4/3r3
is the function to calculate the surface area of a sphere,
A = 4r2.

And therein lies The Inherent Beauty of Nature and the Universe. (and Mathematics)


My Personal History of Pi
As a high school teenager (ca 1975), the author of this page used the following sequence to memorize the first 50 (+) digits of the constant. Often, memorizing items in groups can make it easier. Here, groups of two, three, and sometimes four, digits are used as a method of memorization via repeated repetition until the sequence is burnt into the long term memory. (somewhat painful, to be sure, but well worth the effort, if only as an act of extreme nerdification and/or geekism)

3 . 14 15 926 535 89 79 323 846 264 33 83 279 502 884 1971 69 399 375 105

The author can still recite this sequence approximately (no pun intended — ha, ha, ha — ahem) over thirty years after the initial memorization. To date, this wonderous [sic] and gargantuan feat has not generated any noticeable income, fame, notoriety, and/or dating opportunities. (you have been warned, or at least aware-ified)

Memorization of this type is not that difficult if you have a decent memory for numbers, and can be a fun party trick. At somewhat lame parties, of course. Because he had so much (inexplicably) free time on his hands as a teenager, the author also memorized the square root of to nine digits (from an oldish calculator display: 1.7724538). And, if that's not pathetic, I mean interesting and awe-inspiring, enough, the author similarly memorized the square root of the square root, a.k.a. the fourth root, of , as well. (1.3313353) He did not similarly memorize the cube root of because, well, that would just be sad.

A similar method was used by the author to memorize the spelling of a very long word that may exude "Oohs" and "Ahhs" from certain appreciatory individuals: (or not — again, please be forewarned that there appears and seems to be a very fine line between "interesting" and "just plain sad" — FYI)

pneu · mono · ultra · micro · scopic · silico · volcano · coniosis
(pron.: noo-moe-noe-uhl-truh-meye-crow-scah-pick-sihl-ih-coe-vahl-cane-oh-kahn-ee-oh-sis)

And, now, the (first) 10,000 digits of in Roman Numeral form:



(btw — if you've gotten this far, you might need to seriously consider "getting a Life" — good luck with that — I have a sinking feeling you're going to need it — or not — look at me — I'm doing fine — really I am   ;o) — you're mileage may vary)


You may contact the author/creator if you feel you must: E-mail William Donnelly


Color Color Name Digit Color Color Name Digit Description
The colors used for the above chart are those used to mark the resistance value (ohms) of resistors. Resistors are discrete electronic components that are found in almost every electronic circuit. With the advent of 'non-discrete' IC chips (large scale integrated circuits on chips of silicon, and the like — computer CPU's, RAM memory, etc.), resistors can be found in the thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions. The color values for resistors are as shown to the left. Example: (brown-black-red (gold) == 1K ohm ±5% == 1 0 * 10^2)